Rabbits have a very special digestive system; their appendix is involved in hind gut fermentation which transforms indigestible fiber to digestive nutrients. This process produces small round moist pellets called cecotropes. Rabbits eat them in order to absorb the nutrients from the cecotropes.

Rabbits have scent glands under their chin which produce a scent not detectable by humans. When rabbits rub their chin on objects or people the scent stays, this is how rabbits mark their territory.

Rabbits’ teeth grow continuously therefore they bite and chew to keep their teeth short. To avoid the rabbit biting your furniture or other objects, you could give hay-cubes, sticks or other untreated wooden toys to your rabbit.

This is a courting act which indicates the rabbit is sexually mature. It also means the rabbit really likes you!

Rabbits may jump up in the air and leap about suddenly, this means they are in a jubilant mood and very excited.

This is a basic instinct, wild rabbits dig holes for shelters and to trim their nails.

When a rabbit is terrified or threatened, it may hit the ground hard with its rear leg. This also communicates danger or a perceived threat to other rabbits nearby.

Please do not put your hand near the rabbit because the rabbit is probably angry or irritated.

Gentle and soft grinding of teeth show that the rabbit is in a comfortable, happy and content mood. However, if it is loud, the rabbit may be in pain or suffering from an illness.

Loud teeth grinding means that the rabbit is in pain, please take the rabbit to the vet for further examination.

When a rabbit hears a suspicious sound, becomes cautious or alerted, they will stand on both back legs for a better view.

A signal of a rabbit in pain or panicked; rabbits may scream also if they feel they are near death.

A rabbit lying down on the ground relaxing with all legs extended outward shows that it feels safe.

A rabbit is asking you to make way and let it past.

Rabbits protest with their bottoms facing towards the subjects.

Rabbits will mark their territories by urine-marking, something even marking people.

A rabbit wants to get your attention or wants to play with you.

Usually this is to express disapproval or anger.

If a rabbit bites you lightly it is warning you to stop what you are doing.

A rabbit is pleading you for something or wishes to be let out of the cage.

An expression of how much a rabbit likes you.

A complacent act. A rabbit might swing its tail after you have failed to catch it.

Females will do this during a false pregnancy or around one week before giving birth.