
Check your rabbits’ body regularly as the sooner an injury or disease is discovered the sooner the rabbit can receive treatment.

Although rabbits can be kept in large cages for many hours, they still need daily exercise. Therefore they should come out of their cage for around 4 hours every day, this facilitates the movement of their intestines and promotes good health.

Before you let your rabbit out, ensure that electric wires, plants, carpet or other accessories are properly stored to avoid the rabbit swallowing harmful substances.

Giving suitable rabbit friendly toys can boost their intelligence and promote mental and physical health. Toys can also provide excitement and stimuli to their lives which can help prevent them damaging furniture. Paper tubes or boxes, hard untreated wood, straw mats and hard toys for infants are some appropriate choices for rabbits.

During summer the room temperature should be kept below 25oC but this also depends on the air circulation of the room. If the weather is over 25 degrees you will need to air condition the room. You may also consider placing an ice-bag wrapped with a towel and placing it inside a metal box fixed to the side of the cage. This will prevent the rabbit suffering from heat stroke which can be fatal.
Most rabbits can endure cold weather much better than warm. However you can give warm water to rabbits if deemed necessary. You can place towels over their cage to keep them warm but leave one side open for air circulation. If the temperature drops suddenly you should pay more attention to see whether your rabbit stops drinking or loses it's appetite. This may suggest that your rabbit is struggling to adapt to an extreme change in temperature.