那天過百位兔友與兔兔齊集葛量洪校友會黃埔學校禮堂,歡渡了一個快樂的下午。現場設有七個主題區域,包括齊集所有兔兔零食、牧草、蔬菜等的兔地至愛區域「試食專區」、擺滿紙堡壘的兔地「遊樂場」、予兔兔大顯身手的「兔地比拼區」、Dr. Betty 與資深義工坐鎮解答問題及設有梳毛剪甲服務的「護理發問區」、由專業攝影師親自操刀的「攝影專區」、備有曲奇和飲料的「偷閒休息區」。兔友們帶著自己的寶貝兔在各個區域穿梭,既要忙著試食、比賽,又要忙於跟透過網絡世界認識的兔友們相認,場面好不熱鬧。這次會員大會可說是全港首次最大型的兔友聚會呢!

1. 兔友協會的委員會 (非受薪) 由Shirley Tong、Joanna Chow及Yuki Tang三人組成,負責行政決策、監察及執行的使命,並帶領著一班資深義工為兔協服務。至於日常的運作,則全賴兩位全職、三位兼職及義工們的同心合力。
2. 本會接收的棄兔約1000隻。2007年處理的個案約有200個;2008年上升至300個;2009年因實行了每月接受棄兔的數目上限,處理個案下跌至183個。由成立至今,成功被領養的個案超過920個。
3. 財政狀況:由於沒有政府或任何機構資助下,我們主要靠出售兔子糧食、物品及每月約$11,000的定額捐款,應付每月的租金、薪金、棄兔糧食、醫療及營運等方面的開支。
匯報項目:(04/2008 – 03/2009年度)
4. 由於兔協福利及資源中心的面積有限,已不敷日常應用,我們希望可以搬到一個面積大一倍的同區單位。搬遷需要約50萬的費用。現時會設立一個搬遷基金,歡迎各界的捐助。請在捐款時註明「籌募搬遷費用」,將與資助日常運作的捐款分開處理。在籌得50萬的善款後,就會著手物色新的地方。
5. 兔協不但在經濟方面需要大家的幫助,在人手安排方面,我們也很需要大家加入義工行列。既為應付日常繁重的會務,也希望可以為兔協培育新一批的接班人,繼續造福香港的兔界。
6. 我們十分感謝在過去一直熱心支持的單位及各界人士,包括九龍動物醫院、紅磡獸醫診所、愛護動物協會、本會員工、在星期日和假期當值的義工及非經常性的義工等等。我們還需要特別嗚謝勞生和勞太。他們領養了小坪、小肥、立秋、Phoenix這些身體有毛病的兔兔,還幫忙暫養側頭兔啟德和年屆六歲高齡的小羅。本會的棄兔於紅磡獸醫診所絕育的費用,也是由他們捐助的。
The first Members Assembly of Hong Kong Rabbits Society has been satisfactorily accomplished on 9th Jan, 2010.
Over a hundred rabbit owners and rabbits gathered at the hall of GCE Past Students’ Association Whampoa Primary School and enjoyed a wonderful afternoon together. There are 7 zones in the venue. Snack zone: Different types of hays, healthy snacks and organics vegetables are provided to every rabbits for food testing. Health and Care zone: Dr. Betty and senior volunteers were here to answer the questions concerning rabbit keeping cited by the owners. Professional rabbit grooming services were provided. Photo Zone: Professional photographer took studio shoots for rabbits and their owners. Play Zone: Cardboard castles were set for fun. Competition Zone: Rabbits running competition and standing steady competition. Leisure Zone: Cookies and drinks are prepared for owners when they took rest. Though the participations in different activities, rabbit owners with their beloved rabbits made friends with each other and shared the happy moment.
Hong Kong Rabbit Society Report
This was a rare occasion that numerous owners gathered at a place, so our Chairman made use of this opportunity to introduce the structure and update status of HKRS.
1. Committee is composed of Shirley Tong, Joanna chow and Yuki Tang. They are responsible for the decision making, supervision and execution of the policies of HKRS. They leaded 2 full time staffs, 3 part time staffs and volunteer team to serve.
2. We have received a thousand abandoned rabbits. In 2007, there were 200 cases. In 2008, number of cases increased to 300. In 2009, due to limited resources, we set quota to limit the numbers of receiving abandoned rabbits each months, then number of case decrease to 183. In these years, there are over 920 rabbits were adopted by rabbit lovers.
3. Financial Status: As we do not have any government or organization subsidies, we rely on selling pet food and stuffs, and monthly donation (around $11000) to deal with our daily expense, including salaries, rent, food for rabbits, medical fees and etc..
Period: 04/2008 to 03/2009
Expense (till 03/2009 Average monthly expense)
Medical and sterilization: $15473
Rent and Salaries: $40700
Operation cost: $31366
Total Expense: $87539
Reserve fund (as of 31/12/2009):$230238
4. As the space of HKRS Welfare and Resources Services Centre is limited, this is no longer able to meet the demand from the public. Therefore, we set up a Moving Fund, and its target is $500,000. Once we meet the target, we will start to look for a new place in the vicinity. Please state clearly the donation is for Moving Fund, if you would like to make contribution to our new centre.
5. We need volunteers! We hope that you can join our volunteer team, as we do not have sufficient staffs and volunteers to fulfill lots of works and duties. And, we do hope that there will be more volunteers willing to undertake the mission and works of HKRS.
6. We thanks so much to those who help us a lots in the past, including Kowloon Veterinary Hospital, Hung Hom Veterinary Clinic, SPCA, our part time and full time staffs, volunteers and etc.. We also thanks for Mr Lo and Mrs Lo. As they have adopted Siu Ping, Autumn & Phoenix, and being fostering 2 of our aged and sick rabbits, all of these rabbits have to receive long term medical treatment. Moreover, they have sponsored the sterilization fees of the abandoned rabbits (all sterilizations take place in Hung Hom Veterinary Clinic).
We thanks again for every rabbit lovers who have joined our Member Assembly. It would be our pleasure that if you can keep supporting us in the future. If you have any opinions about our next gathering, please feel free to let me know anytime. Hope we can meet you all in the nearest future.
