13/1/2023 Mira Place X 香港兔友協會 X Bun Bun Cha 合作,推出兔年新春版珊瑚絨襪 / Fortune Bunny Furry Socks by Mira Place x Hong Kong Rabbit Society x Bun Bun Cha

Mira Place X 香港兔友協會 X Bun Bun Cha 合作,推出兔年新春版珊瑚絨襪
由1月12日至2月5日,到Mira Place 參加「齊捉福兔」AR 互動遊戲,超萌的福兔除了出現於 Mira Place 1 的中庭,亦躲藏於商場不同角落,等您來發掘!走訪 Mira Place 指定區域 (Mira Place 1中庭、Mira Place 1 L2 Mira Discovery Zone 及 Mira Place 2 禮賓部),並以手機鏡頭掃瞄指定 QR code,福兔即隨時在螢幕跳出!集齊3大福兔 – 「招福兔、飽飽兔及美麗兔」即可換領 Mira Place X 香港兔友協會 X Bun Bun Cha 的「捉福萌兔毛毛襪」乙對,幫助萌兔暖心過冬!禮品數量有限,送完即止。

Fortune Bunny Furry Socks by Mira Place x Hong Kong Rabbit Society x Bun Bun Cha

From 12 Jan 2023 to 5 Feb 2023, go to Mira Place to grab your bunny blessings via “The Hidden Fortune Bunnies” AR Game! Apart from the adorable bunnies at Mira Place atrium, Fortune Bunnies can also be found at various corners of the mall. Visit designated areas of the mall (Mira Place 1 Atrium, Mira Place 1 L2 Mira Discovery Zone, and Mira Place 2 Concierge) and scan the QR codes with your phone to catch the Fortune Bunnies. Catch all Three Fortune Bunnies — named Fortune, Foodie and Pretty to redeem a pair of Fortune Bunny Furry Socks by Mira Place x Hong Kong Rabbit Society x Bun Bun Cha! Limited quotas while stocks last. Mira Place members can also redeem Hong Kong Rabbit Society charity coupons via Mira Place App with accumulated bonus points to send love to fluffy bunnies in need.

For details, please visit: https://www.miraplace.com.hk/tc/news/lets-get-luck/