2023年 RabbitJennyArt 自家手繪設計月曆慈善義賣 / RabbitJennyArt Hand-Drew Design Calendar 2023 Charity Sale

2023年 RabbitJennyArt 自家手繪設計月曆慈善義賣

感謝 RabbitJennyArt 設計的兔兔月曆並捐出作義賣用途,幫助被遺棄的兔兔。


1. 可親身到本會購買
2. 兔協網上商店 (購物滿$300 可免費送貨,金額不包括此月曆)

RabbitJennyArt Hand-Drew Design Calendar 2023 Charity Sale

Thanks to RabbitJennyArt for designing the rabbit calendar and donating them for charity sale to help the abandoned rabbits.

The price of this calendar is $128/unit, and all the proceeds will be donated to the abandoned and sick rabbits of HKRS. Please support us.

How to buy:
1. Purchased in person at HKRS
2. Purchased through HKRS Online Store (free shipping for orders over $300, the amount does not include this calendar)