『愛兔有禮』婚宴回禮轉贈 / “Love rabbits, love donation ” wedding favours




只需將入數紙及回禮卡數量 pm 兔協便可,確認收款後大約3個工作天可親身到兔協領取。

$1,800或以上,可獲贈最多360張心意卡 (12-30圍適用)
$2,800或以上,可獲贈最多600張心意卡 (31圍或以上適用)

捐款方法 :

如有興趣的準新人們,可致電兔協中心35800050查詢或登記 / facebook pm 留言,稍後會有專人聯絡閣下作出安排。

鳴謝設計師 BunnyTobe


“Love rabbits, love donation ” wedding favours

What kind of wedding favours is the most interesting? Have you ever thought about sharing “love” with animals in need to make the wedding more meaningful?

You two can turn the traditional wedding favours in the wedding banquet into a love donation to help the abandoned rabbits. We specially found a designer to design a unique thank you card for the guests, so that they can share the love brought by kindness. Love and warmth to help little fur kids who are waiting to be rehomed.

You only need to pm HKRS with the deposit slip and the amount of the thank you card, and you can pick it up in person at HKRS in about 3 working days after confirming the payment.

Donation amount:

For $1,800 or above, you can get up to 360 thank you cards (applicable for 12-30 tables)

For $2,800 or above, you can get up to 600 thank you cards (applicable to 31 tables or above)

Donation Method :


If you are interested, you can call HKRS at 35800050 for inquiries or register / leave a message on facebook pm, and someone will contact you to make arrangements.

Courtesy of the designer BunnyTobe