兔協有難 各方支援 感激不盡 / HKRS is in financial trouble, and all parties are grateful for their support

兔協有難 各方支援 感激不盡




在此我們謹對以下各單位致以最深切的謝意(排名不分先後) ,並承諾定必續繼努力堅守本會宗旨,致力宣揚愛護動物、防止虐待及尊重生命的訊息,積極為兔子及其他動物爭取應有的生存權利。


24-Hour Emergency 康迪亞獸醫 Concordia Pet Care
Zodiac Pet & Exotic Hospital
Any.Mo Veterinary Hospital 毛國界動物醫院
Tai Wai Small Animal and Exotic Hospital
Furry Friends Vet Hospital 朋友仔珍禽異獸動物醫院
Q-PETs (D2 Place)

Dr. Zoltan Szabo
Dr. Angel Ngo
Dr. Colt Ma
Dr. Stephen Chan

HKJC (香港賽馬會義工隊)

Why Not Hong Kong?
The Nutter Company
IG : Bunnynstones

Pet-Link Co.Ltd. 寵物幹線有限公司



HKRS is in financial trouble, and all parties are grateful for their support

More than ten days ago, we posted an emergency announcement with a heavy heart. Due to the large number of urgently abandoned rabbits received in recent years, and many sick and elderly rabbits in our center need to continue to receive treatment, our medical expenses add up to loads. Although we are reluctant to do so, the heavy financial pressure forced us to consider suspending emergency and non-emergency acceptance of abandoned rabbits.

However, at the most difficult time for HKRS, we received support and encouragement from all parties. Some veterinary clinics offered discounts and allowed us to place donation boxes. Some veterinarians took the initiative to contact and provide assistance. Pet product suppliers offered sponsor to us, and countless well-meaning donors and adopters to send us donations and encouragement. We are grateful for everyone’s trust and support.

All kinds of support not only relieved our financial pressure, but also gave us a shot in the arm, because everyone’s encouragement and trust are just the affirmation of HKRS’s work all the time, which makes us more confident to go on and continue to help rabbits in need, provide knowledge and education for those who are interested in adopting rabbits, and ensure that rabbit owners can take good care of rabbits.

Here we would like to express our deepest gratitude to the following parties (in no particular order), and promise to continue to work hard to stick to the aims of HKRS, to promote the message of caring for animals, preventing cruelty and respecting life, and actively serving rabbits and fight for their right to live.

Discounts on veterinary consultation fees for HKRS:
#Concordia Pet Care
#Any.Mo Veterinary Hospital

Placing donation box:
Concordia Pet Care
Zodiac Pet & Exotic Hospital
Any.Mo Veterinary Hospital
Tai Wai Small Animal and Exotic Hospital
Furry Friends Vet Hospital
Q-PETs (D2 Place)

Veterinarians who help raising funds for HKRS:
Dr. Zoltan Szabo
Dr. Angel Ngo
Dr. Colt Ma
Dr. Stephen Chan

HKJC (Hong Kong Jockey Club Volunteer Team)
All donations
all adopters

Charity sale cooperation party:
Why Not Hong Kong?
The Nutter Company
IG : Bunnynstones

Pet Supplies Suppliers:
Pet-Link Co.Ltd.

*At this stage, there are still other parties negotiating and assisting, which cannot be fully recorded, and will be announced from time to time later. Please bear with us if there are any omissions.