【兔協財困告急,儲備金將近清零,需緊急求助!】/ [HKRS is in financial distress, the reserve fund is almost clear, and urgent help is needed! 】





可能大家未有留意,近年「棄兔」的情況越趨嚴重,我們現在已收容了95隻被遺棄的🐇🐇。患病的,年老的棄兔 (6歲以上) 更已累計有42隻,年老的兔子發病率亦較高。57隻棄兔需要接受治療,恆常醫療費用每月達6萬元以上 (並未包括突發性緊急手術及住院費用,就2022年9~10月這方面的開支已達35萬) 。


7年後的今日,遇上了世紀疫症,加上行業的競爭,兔協的收入大大減少了,我們正面對前所未有的財政壓力,儲備金已差不多見底,捉襟見肘,僅僅能維持基本運作數個月。百上加斤的情況就是……100個宿位將近飽和,現正在排期的🐇🐇都有40多隻,牠們前路茫茫,到底我們還能撐多久?!😨😥 情況確是令人擔憂。



有意幫忙的請按以下捐款連結 :
*捐款滿$100 或以上,可獲發捐款收據作扣稅之用。


[HKRS is in financial distress, the reserve fund is almost clear, and urgent help is needed! 】

We post with a heavy heart, because HKRS has experienced [financial difficulties] and may need to [suspend] emergency and non-emergency acceptance of abandoned rabbits😔!

This is a very difficult decision for us 😫.
we are particularly unwilling 😑 to suspend the emergency acceptance of serevely ill rabbits.

It has been nearly 20 years since the establishment of HKRS in 2003. Only in 2015, there was a serious financial distress, when the financial situation could only support a few months of rent. Thanks to all kind people for their generous donations, and the profit of rabbit food and supplies selling, the operation was barely maintained, the difficulties were quickly resolved and overcome. With every kind people’s help, countless 🐇🐇 lives have been saved 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♂️, it is really great! Thank you all for your support 🙏🙏.

Maybe you haven’t noticed that in recent years, the situation of “abandoned rabbits” has become more and more serious. We currently have 95 abandoned 🐇🐇. There are 42 senior abandoned rabbits (over 6 years old) who are sick, and the incidence rate of illnesses of the senior rabbits is also higher. 57 of abandoned rabbits need to receive further medical treatment, and the regular medical expenses are more than $60,000 per month (Excluding the cost of sudden emergency surgery and hospitalization, the expenditure in this part from September to October 2022 has reached $350,000).

We are indeed receiving a lot more emergency cases than before, there have been 32 cases so far last year, and the ones that need to be urgently received are mostly sick🐇🐇. On the one hand, they require huge medical expenses; on the other hand, their chances of being adopted are extremely low. Faced with more and more abandoned rabbits, the daily care and medical expenses are getting heavier year by year. Even if we are willing to take good care of them until their senior age, funding is always an issue 😔.

Today, 7 years later, under the epidemic of the century these few years, coupled with the competition in the industry, the income of HKRS has been greatly reduced. We are facing unprecedented financial pressure. also, the situation is adding a lot of weight these few months is because… 100 homing places are nearly saturated, and there are more than 40 abandoned 🐇🐇 currently being scheduled. They have a long way to go. How long can we last? ! 😨😥 The situation is indeed worrying.

We understand that the global epidemic has affected everyone to varying degrees, and we dare not expect to raise funds in the short period, but if the financial problem cannot be solved, we can only consider [suspending emergency acceptance of abandoned rabbits]. We are absolutely reluctant to make this decision, knowing that there are so many rabbits in dire need of help, and we absolutely want to help them. 😫😑

We are convinced that everyone loves 🐇🐇, and no one wants to miss any chance to rescue them🙏🙏. Here, I hope that you will receive help and donate generously to help HKRS to endure this difficult time again 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️, so that the abandoned 🐇🐇 can be relied on, given adequate food and adequate treatment, and more importantly, given by everyone love and ❤️.

If you are interested in helping, please click the donation link below:
*Donations of $100 or more will receive a donation receipt for tax deduction.

Thank you for your support 🙏🙏 and attention. Once the situation improves, we will notify you as soon as possible.