2021-22年兔協年刊已經出咗喇! (免費索取) / The 2021-22 HKRS Annual Booklet Is Ready! (Free Request)
2021-22年兔協年刊已經出咗喇! (免費索取)
今次年刊的主題為『兔子也移民』, 除了找來寵物移民中介 Pet Holidays 寵物假期 為我們講解寵物移民多個熱門國家的流程和注意事項及資訊,更送出$2500 現金券,在此感謝Pet Holidays 的支持。
除此之外,感謝 康迪亞獸醫 Concordia Pet Care 的 DrZoltan Szabo 接受望聞問切專題訪問:『兔子骨科』,解構關於兔子骨折的課題。
The 2021-22 HKRS Annual Booklet Is Ready! (Free Request)
The theme of this year’s annual booklet is “Rabbits also immigrate”. In addition to asking pet immigration agency Pet Holidays to explain the process, precautions and information of pet immigration to the most popular countries, they also give everyone a $2500 cash coupon. Thank you Pet Holidays’ support.
In addition, we would like to thank DrZoltan Szabo of Concordia Pet Care for accepting our special interview: “Rabbit Orthopedics”, deconstructing the topic of rabbit fractures.
Starting today, all rabbit owners can get this annual booklet for free from our centre in person. At the same time, members will also receive an annual magazine when they order rabbit products for delivery at HKRS (free shipping when purchase over $300).
(Special thanks to the volunteer team members responsible for the preparation of the annual booklet)
