【Bun Bun Cha 2023兔年揮春/利是封義賣活動】(數量有限,售完即止) / 【Bun Bun Cha – Year of the Rabbit 2023 Red Banners / Pockets Charity Sale】(Limited quantity, while stocks last)
【Bun Bun Cha 2023兔年揮春/利是封義賣活動】(數量有限,售完即止)
嚟緊一月就到兔年啦🐰Bun Bun Cha設計左一套三款嘅揮春陪大家過年❤️紙質堅挺厚實,唔軟塌。不規則形狀,既特別又可愛。除左可以貼喺牆/門之外,亦都可以貼喺兔兔籠外,不過要確保你家兔兔唔會咬到破壞到呀🤣除左揮春,仲設計左一套兩款嘅利是封,紙質厚實,燙金設計。
揮春及利是封所得收益部份會撥捐兔協 HKRS – 香港兔友協會 Hong Kong Rabbit Society 作醫療開支,請大家多多支持🥰
揮春:HKD 38/ 套,一套三款,每款各一張。
利是封🧧:HKD 28/一套,一套兩款,每款各五個,共十個。
購買方法:可親身到兔協購買 或 到兔協網上商店訂購 (購物滿$300 可免費送貨,價格不包括此揮春及利是封,敬請留意)
網上商店連結 :
紙質:250g 粉紙 覆啞膜
直款:120mm x 358mm
方形:220mm x 220mm
工藝:覆啞膜 + 燙金
尺寸:86 x 169mm (不含折口)
Facebook: Bun Bun Cha
Instagram: bun_bun_cha
【Bun Bun Cha – Year of the Rabbit 2023 Red Banners / Pockets Charity Sale】(Limited quantity, while stocks last)
The Year of the Rabbit is approaching in just one month. Bun Bun Cha has designed a set of red banners. The paper is firm and thick, and not too soft. Irregular shape, both special and cute. In addition to the red banners can be attached to the wall/door, it can also be attached to the rabbit cage, but make sure that your rabbit will not bite and damage it. Except red banners, red pockets are made as well. The paper is also firm and thick, bronzing design.
Part of the profits from red banners and red pockets will be donated to HKRS – Hong Kong Rabbit Society for medical expenses. Please support us.
Red banners: HKD 38/set, a set of three styles, one for each style.
Red pockets: HKD 28/set, a set of two styles, five for each style, a total of ten.
*There is no loose sale
How to buy: You can buy in person at HKRS centre or order from HKRS online store (free shipping is available for orders over $300, the price does not include the red banners and red pockets, please be noted)
Online store link:
Red banners:
Red pockets:
[Product Information]
Red banners:
Paper quality: 250g powder paper with matte film
Printing: single-sided printing
Straight: 120mm x 358mm
Square: 220mm x 220mm
Red pockets:
Paper quality: 200g powder paper
Process: matte film + bronzing
Dimensions: 86 x 169mm (without folding)
⚠️The color of the product may be slightly different due to photo shooting and screen display, please refer to the actual product
Respect originality, do not plagiarize🚫
Facebook: Bun Bun Cha
Instagram: bun_bun_cha
