最新公告 / Latest Announcement


原定於2022年11月1日 (星期二) 進行兔協內部會議,因受颱風影響取消,改為2022年11月8日,當日服務時間更改如下,敬請留意!

2022年11月1日 (照常)
2022年11月8日 (中午12點至晚上7點)

Latest Announcement

The internal meeting of HKRS was originally scheduled to be held on November 1, 2022 (Tuesday). Due to the influence of the typhoon, it was canceled and changed to November 8, 2022. The service hours of the day have been changed as follows, please pay attention!

Service hours:

November 1, 2022 (as usual)

November 8, 2022 (12pm to 7pm)