關於 24/8/2022 兔協中心開放時間的最新消息 / Latest News About the Opening Hours of HKRS Centre on 24/8/2022

關於 24/8/2022 兔協中心開放時間的最新消息:

由於颱風 馬鞍 逐漸迫近,香港天文台將於 6-9pm 改掛 8號風球,因此兔協中心今天會提早於 6pm 關門,送貨服務則不受影響,敬請留意。

Latest News About the Opening Hours of HKRS Centre on 24/8/2022:

Due to the Typhoon MaOn is approaching, the Hong Kong Observatory announced that Typhoon Signal No. 8 will be hoisted at 6-9pm, so HKRS centre will be closed earlier at 6pm today, delivery service is not affected, please pay attention.