兔協兔子 何去何從?/ HKRS Rabbit, Where to Go?

兔協兔子 何去何從?

本會希望藉著不定期發佈統計數字提升透明度之外,更希望讓大眾能關注年老或患病的一群被遺棄兔子。根據我們的經驗,這班兔子會在兔協終老,在兔協最長時間的兔兔#1876 Chess 一住就6年了,因患肝病而一直無人願意領養,接收時3.5歲,現在已經9.5歲了。

2022年8月2日最新統計,以下是本會現存的兔子數字 :

0~1歲 5隻
2~3歲 21隻
4~5歲 15隻
6~9歲 22隻
10歲或以上 15隻

總數78隻,而當中52隻正接受治療,即佔總數超過六成半 (66.6%) 都是患病的被遺棄兔子,換句話說,現時只有26隻不需要跟進治療。



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HKRS Rabbit, Where to Go?

In addition to increasing transparency by publishing statistics from time to time, HKRS hopes to draw the public’s attention to a group of abandoned rabbits that are old or sick. According to our experience, this group of rabbits will stay HKRS for a long period of time. The homing rabbit #1876 Chess, who has been in HKRS for the longest time, has lived for 6 years. He has been suffering from liver disease and no one wants to adopt. He was 3.5 years old when we received him and is now 9.5 years old.

The latest statistics on August 2, 2022, the following are the existing homing rabbit numbers:

0~1 years old: 5

2 to 3 years old: 21

4~5 years old: 15

6~9 years old: 22

10 years old or above: 15

There are 78 homing rabbits in total, and 52 of them are receiving treatment, that is, more than 65% (66.6%) of the total are abandoned rabbits that are sick/have chronic medical problem. In other words, only 26 rabbits do not need follow-up treatment.

Due to the recent increase of urgent receving cases, and the serious condition requires long-term treatment, in addition to the medical/surgical expenses at the time, there are also follow-up medical expenses, which not only aggravates our burden, but we also believes that the chance of them being adopted may be very low, resulting in the quota for receiving abandoned rabbits is very tight, almost exceeding the upper limit. Currently, there are 39 rabbits that have been scheduled to receive, and the waiting perood is already queued until March 2023. The situation has never been more severe since the establishment of HKRS.

How are we going to go in the future? I hope everyone will support HKRS. Whether you donate money or go shopping from us, every ounce of your money can help the abandoned group of HKRS, including healthy, sick or disabled rabbits, so as to help them all stay at HKRS and under good care, until they find their new owners.

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