關於重新開放美容服務及兔協美容服務價格調整 (17/5/2022 起生效) / About the Reopening of Grooming Services and Price Adjustment on HKRS Grooming Service (Effective Date: 17/5/2022)
由於疫情持續放緩,政府亦逐步放寬社交距離。本會決定,於 17/5/2022 重新開放美容服務,惟帶同兔子到本會美容的飼主,因逗留時間較長,及與美容師有較長及近距離接觸,於美容當天到達前,必須發送快速檢測棒之檢測結果(陰性)圖片 <必須附有當天日期、時間及姓名> 到本會 whatsapp 55003062, 否則恕未能提供服務。
兔協美容服務價格調整 (17/5/2022 起生效)
- 淨剪甲 / 淨梳毛 $100
- 剪甲及梳毛 $200
- 剪毛 (全身) $480
- 局部清潔 $240
- 解結 (嚴重毛結) $240
- 修毛 (修剪面頰毛、腹部毛、臀部毛) $200
請致電35800050 預約
As the epidemic continues to slowdown, the government has also gradually eased social distancing. HKRS has decided to reopen the grooming service on 17/5/2022, but the owners who bring their rabbits to HKRS for grooming supposed to stay for a longer period of time and have a closer contact with the groomers than other customers. Before owners arriving our centre on the grooming scehduled date, The picture of the test result (negative) of the rapid test of COVID-19 must be sent <must be accompanied by the testing date, time and name of the owners> to our whatsapp 55003062, otherwise the service will not be provided.
Our groomers will also conduct rapid test of COVID-19 every day to ensure safety.
Price adjustment on HKRS grooming service (effective date: 17/5/2022)
- Nail Clipping Only / Brushing Only $100
- Nail Clipping and Brushing $200
- Fur Trimming (Whole Body) $480
- Partial Cleaning $240
- Removing Mats and Knots (Extreme Case) $240
- Partial Fur Trimming (Face, belly, butt) $200
Please call 35800050 to make an appointment