兔協送貨付款方法更新 / Updated Payment Methods of HKRS Delivery


貨到付款 / ***如客人選擇同意將貨物擺放於送貨地址以外的地方,包括送貨地址門外,管理處等,客人需要於送貨前成功完成銀行轉帳或網上付款,客人需自行承擔風險,如有遺失或盜竊,本會恕不負責。

本會會於送貨日當天12:00-15:30聯絡客人預約送貨時間 (*公眾假期特別送貨日的訂單將會於前一個工作天聯絡客人預約送貨時間),如於送貨日當日15:30前聯絡不到客戶,會另行再安排下星期該區送貨日再送。如果客戶未有要求物流到達前再次聯絡客戶,物流送貨員於送貨當日到達前就不會再次聯絡客戶。貨物是以貨到付款方式交易,或請先於送貨前成功完成銀行轉帳或網上付款,以減低欠款風險及減省人手達致保障兔協利益,敬請留意及希望各客戶能體諒。

客人如果預先知道送貨當日未能在家收貨,可預先銀行轉帳或網上付款,然後將入數紙或付款紀錄 whatsapp 到 5500 3062,之後通知我們轉為:
1. 管理處代收 (*請先確定管理員同意此做法,因為某些管理處不能代收)
2. 放於送貨地址門外 (*請先自行評估一下安全程度及先確定屋苑同意此做法)

銀行 / 繳費靈 / 轉數快 / PayMe / 支付寶 戶口資料:

1. 香港兔友協會有限公司 (Hong Kong Rabbit Society Ltd.)

  • 中國銀行:012-7040001-6357
  • 匯豐銀行:640-014387-001

2. 繳費靈商戶編號:6454 (請以閣下的八位數字電話作為賬單編號)

3. 轉數快識別碼:167714088

4. PayMe二維碼:http://www.hkrabbit.org/?p=21608

5. 支付寶二維碼:http://www.hkrabbit.org/?p=20565

***請注意:購物不足HK$300的客戶如選擇『餘額捐款』,網上訂購確認電郵只會顯示貨品總額,送貨員會根據『餘額捐款』的選項收取總數HK$300的款項。 『餘額捐款』不足HK$100,根據稅務條例,本會恕不能發出捐款收據,請見諒。如捐款超過HK$100,請將網上訂購確認電郵副本郵寄到本會,並註明要求發出捐款收據,本會會以郵寄方式將收據寄回作扣稅之用。
如有疑問,歡迎電郵 (hkrabbit.org@gmail.com) 查詢。




Updated Payment Methods of HKRS Delivery:

Payment Method:
Cash on delivery / Money transferNotice for delivery:
Normally we will contact the customer between 12:00-15:30 on scheduled delivery day (*We will contact the customer one working day before the delivery date for the special delivery arrangement on public holiday). If we cannot reach the customer before 15:30 on scheduled delivery day, the order will be proponed to next week. There will be no other calls before delivery arrived if no special request. Please remember to pay cash on delivery or do the money transfer process before our delivery for our convenience. Thank you.Suggestion:
If you cannot receive our products face to face, please ensure you do the money transfer process before our delivery. Also, please send us the payment receipt to our whatsapp 5500 3062 and ensure we know that we can place your order:
  • at the security centre (*Please ensure the security guard noted and trustable)
  • in front of your shipping address door/gate (*Please evaluate the level of safely regarding the cleanliness and stealing)

***Remarks: If the customer cannot receive our products face to face, customer may need to take the risk that the products will be stolen/lost, HKRS will not bear that kinds of risk, please evaluate clearly before making this decision. Sorry for the inconveniences caused.

Our Banking / PPS / FPS / PayMe / Alipay information:

1. Hong Kong Rabbit Society Ltd.
  • Bank of China (BOC) :012-7040001-6357
  • The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC):640-014387-001
2. PPS (shopping):6454 (please insert your mobile number as the invoice no)
3. Faster Payment System (FPS) authentication code: 167714088
4. PayMe’s QR Code: http://www.hkrabbit.org/?p=21608
5. Alipay’s QR Code: http://www.hkrabbit.org/?p=20565

***Remarks: If the amount of the delivery order is under $300, please choose ‘other income’ for donation, until $300 in total (*$300 is the minimum amount of order for free delivery). If the donation is over $100, you can ask for donation receipt by sending us email (hkrabbit.org@gmail.com) for tax deduction use.