兔協兔子 何去何從?/ HKRS Rabbit Where to go?
兔協兔子 何去何從?
總數76隻,而當中47隻正接受治療,即佔總數超過六成 (61.8%) 都是患病或年老的被遺棄兔子,換句話說,現時只有29隻不需要跟進治療。
復活節將至,相信又是養兔子高峰期,但當養兔子熱情過後,往往都會收到大量棄兔查詢,加上近年疫情,在職人士在家工作增加, 學生在家上網課,因購買寵物解悶而衍生的棄養潮更加嚴峻,請大家停一停,諗一諗。
HKRS Rabbit Where to go?
In addition to increasing transparency by publishing statistics from time to time, we hope to draw the public’s attention to a group of abandoned rabbits that are old or sick.
According to our latest statistics on April 14, 2022, the following are the existing rabbit numbers:
0~1 years old: 7
2~3 years old: 17
4~5 years old: 14
6~9 years old: 22
10 years old or above: 16
There are 76 rabbits in total, and 47 of them are receiving treatment, that is, more than 60% (61.8%) of the total are sick or old abandoned rabbits. In other words, only 29 rabbits do not need follow-up treatment.
As we all know, the mission of HKRS is to protect animals and not kill them. The rabbits in our association are healthy or sick, young or old, no matter how much energy, time and money it takes for medical treatment or care, as long as the rabbits are healthier step by step, or even adopted, it doesn’t matter how hard we are. Unfortunately, old age, sickness, and disability deterring adopters and make us more cautious when approving adopters.
Easter is approaching, we believe it is the peak season for keeping rabbits, but when the enthusiasm for keeping rabbits is over, there are often a lot of inquiries about abandoned rabbits. In addition to the recent epidemic, the number of working people at home has increased, and students are taking online classes at home, they may buy pets to relieve boredom. The resulting abandonment boom is even more severe, please stop and think clearly before keeping one.