最新通告 / Latest announcement


本會將於 21/4/2022 重新開放門市服務,領養申請者可親身上兔協填表申請 (領養房暫停參觀,有興趣領養的人士可到本會官網查看領養程序和待領兔兔的資料 –  http://www.hkrabbit.org/?page_id=114 ),唯美容和酒店服務仍然暫停,我們會審視疫情的情況陸逐開放以上服務,敬請留意本會公布。

Latest announcement:

HKRS will reopen the centre on 21/4/2022. Adoption applicants can apply adoption in person by filling out the form at HKRS (The homing room is temporarily suspended. Those who are interested in adoption can visit to our official website to view the adoption procedure and the information of the available rabbits – http://www.hkrabbit.org/?page_id=114 ). Grooming and boarding services are still suspended. We will review the situation of the epidemic and open the above services one by one. Please pay attention to our announcement.