關於 13/3/2022 (日) 的特別通告 / Special Notice on 13/3/2022 (Sun)
關於 13/3/2022 (日) 的特別通告:
由於人手不足,13/3/2022 (日) 兔協中心門市除了不開門營業 (包括美容服務) 亦暫停電話查詢及電話訂貨,只會安排檢測結果陰性的義工在中心照顧兔兔。不便之處,敬希原諒。
Special Notice on 13/3/2022 (Sun):
Due to lack of manpower, apart from being closed and suspended grooming services on 13/3/2022 (Sun), we will also suspend telephone enquiries and telephone orders. Only volunteers with negative covid-19 test results will be arranged to take care of the rabbits in the centre. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.