重要通告關於暫停送貨服務 / Important Notice About Suspension of Delivery Services



今早 (7/3/2022) 收到兔協物流部司機通知,其中一位快速檢測呈陽性,為保障客人安全,本會即時暫停該名司機所有工作。亦同時將貨倉內所有貨物徹底消毒。本會亦曾考慮外聘其他司機,以維持送貨服務。但由於疫情嚴峻,本會對新聘任司機的身體狀況一無所知,權衡輕重及保障客人健康前提,本會決定暫停所有送貨服務,以確保安全。





Important Notice About Suspension of Delivery Services:

In response to the epidemic, we are concerned about the health of our staff and drivers. In addition to regular nucleic acid tests, we also arrange daily rapid tests.

This morning (7/3/2022), we received a notification from the drivers of the logistics department of HKRS that one of the drivers tested positive for the rapid test. In order to protect the safety of our guests, we immediately suspends all work of the drivers. At the same time, all products in the warehouse are thoroughly disinfected.

We has also considered hiring other drivers to maintain the delivery service. However, due to the severe epidemic situation, we has no idea about the health status of newly hired drivers. We have decided to suspend all delivery services to ensure safety. All deliveries will be postponed until further notice.

Affected customers, if you have any questions, please call our staff during service hours to inquire/cancel your order.