28/2/2022 Casablanca首次與香港兔友協會慈善合作 / Casablanca’s 1st time cooperation with HKRS
【慈善合作 香港兔友協會🐇】
深受大家喜愛The Beloved Series將於3月再度推出全新Puggy & Bunny in Wonderland系列喇🌴兔仔與八哥為是次產品的設計概念,而Casablanca首次與香港兔友協會(簡稱兔協)合作,為動物謀取福利,喺推出新產品嘅同時,希望透過捐助,為有需要嘅兔仔提供醫療援助,令被棄養嘅兔仔能夠得到妥善照顧 🐇🧡 除咗我地嘅新品發佈外,稍後兔協亦會為我地分享一啲關於與兔仔有關嘅知識,如果你都鍾意或者有意領養嘅兔仔,記得密切留意我地Facebook專頁 🖥️!
Casablanca’s 1st time cooperation with HKRS:
【Charity Cooperation – Hong Kong Rabbit Society】
Beloved series will be launched in March. The new Puggy & Bunny in Wonderland series is the design concept of the second product. Casablanca cooperates with the Hong Kong Rabbit Society (abbreviated as HKRS) for the first time. While launching new products of Casablanca, Casablanca hope to provide medical assistance to the rabbits in need through donations, so that abandoned rabbits can be properly taken care of. Please remember to pay close attention to Casablanca Facebook page.
