26/9/2021 BunnyTobe 2022年兔兔木製座枱月曆 / BunnyTobe 2022 Bunny Tobe Wooden Table Calendar

BunnyTobe 2022年兔兔木製座枱月曆

月曆現貨發售,每個$88,每個月曆均贈送精美兔兔心意卡一張 (價值HK$36) ,部份收益撥捐兔協幫助患病的兔兔,數量有限,售完即止。

購買方法:可親身到兔協購買,如需安排送貨,可電話落單或網上商店訂貨滿$300,價錢不包括月曆 。(東涌及馬灣需另行安排,詳情可致電兔協向職員查詢)

👍 木製底座更環保,明年又可以再用,放靚相📸 放手機📱都得
👍 日子欄更闊,香港假期,書面印製、記錄更方便 ✏️
👍 冇咗圈圈束縛,年曆卡 📆 同月曆可以分開使用,一舉兩得✌🏻
👍 月曆連木製底座尺寸:165 (H) X 210 (W) X 90 (D) mm


BunnyTobe 2022 Bunny Tobe Wooden Table Calendar

Monthly calendars are sold in stock at $88 each. Each calendar will be given a gift of bunny multipurpose card (worth HK$36). Part of the profits will be donated to the HKRS to help the homing rabbits. The number is limited. while stocks last.

– The wooden base is more environmentally friendly.
– The day column is wider, with Hong Kong holidays, it is more convenient for writing notices.
– Not bound by circles, calendar cards, size: 165 (H) X 210 (W) X 90 (D) mm