兔協將會在2021年10月份開始, 送貨服務將會延展至東涌及馬灣區 / HKRS delivery service will be extended to Tung Chung and Ma Wan District since October 2021

兔協將會在2021年10月份開始, 送貨服務將會延展至東涌及馬灣區



東涌及馬灣的客人現在只需安坐家中, 貨物就會送到府上 (不設購物限額)。

以上安排適用於網上商店。如有任何疑問, 可於服務時間內致電 35800050 查詢或落單。

HKRS delivery service will be extended to Tung Chung and Ma Wan District since October 2021

Delivery arrangement and charge:

The delivery date will be the 1st Saturday of every month.

The extra shipping fee to these districts is only $60 (Pay to the driver directly).

Customers in Tung Chung and Ma Wan now only need to sit at home, and the goods will be delivered to their homes (no shopping limit).

The above arrangements are applicable to our online store. If you have any questions, you can call 35800050 for enquiries or place orders during service hours.