香港兔友協會更新防疫措施 (更新:12/2/2020) / Updated health measures of HKRS (valid from 12/2/2020)
香港兔友協會更新防疫措施 (更新:12/2/2020)
因新型冠狀病毒開始出現社區爆發,香港兔友協會 (下稱本會)有以下最新措施:
1. 為保障本會兔子及避免交叉感染,暫停所有寄養服務新預約,直至另行通知。已付款之預約暫不受影響。如已預約但未付款之主人三日內(以致電日起計算)未親臨本會付款及填寫表格,預約將自動取消。惟所有已預約及付款之主人不可更改日期。
2. 由於避免人群聚集,所有私人護理班暫停,直至另外通知。
3. 所有義工到達本資訊中心時需填寫簡單個人資料及量度體溫,以便追蹤。
4. 根據漁護處指引,所有懷疑 / 確診 / 醫學監察的家庭中所有動物,須將有關貓狗交由漁護署作檢疫觀察。貓狗以外的寵物,所有哺乳類動物包括兔子,亦同樣須交往檢疫觀察。本會並非政府機構,無任何獨立隔離設備,亦無註場獸醫或診斷設備,恕未能為上述主人提供任何協助。
Updated health measures of HKRS (valid from 12/2/2020)
Due to the community outbreak of Coronavirus, updated health measures of HKRS will be applied: (valid from 12/2/2020)
1. In order to prevent cross infection and protect the rabbits’ health, all the new appointments for our boarding services will rejected.
2. All the individual training course will be suspended to reduce unnecessary gathering.
3. All volunteers need to fill in a form about his/her basic information and travel records. Also, body temperature checking will be needed.
4. According to AFCD announcement, all pets including rabbits of suspected/confirmed/monitoring cases of Coronavirus should be quarantined under AFCD isolation facilities. Since there are no vets, quarantined equipment or individual isolation areas at HKRS, so we cannot offer any help to their cases. Sorry for the inconveniences caused. Thank you!