兔協中心最新衛生措施(更新:29/1/2020生效至另行通知)/ New health measures at HKRS centre (updated since 29/1/2020)


香港兔友協會 (下稱本會),因現時新型冠狀病毒疫情不穩定,冠狀病毒是主要引起呼吸道、腸道疾病的病原體。冠狀病毒除人類以外,還可感染豬、牛、貓、犬、貂、駱駝、蝙蝠、老鼠、刺猬,兔等多種哺乳動物以及多種鳥類。 本會於即日 (29/1/2020) 作出以下措施 :

1. 進入兔協範圍 (包括購物/查詢/美容服務) 必須配戴口罩,如沒有帶備口罩,可以以$5 義賣價即場購買及配戴 (每人只限購買1個) ,否則恕不能進入兔協,敬請客人留意。

2. 所有職員/義工均需配戴口罩。

3. 領養房暫停參觀至另行通知為止。

4. 兔兔入住及離開酒店,主人需在兔協大堂等候由職員/義工代為將寄養之兔兔安頓或交回主人,離開前主人可即場檢查兔兔健康狀況無異才離開。


New health measures at HKRS centre (updated since 29/1/2020):

Due to the current outbreak of unexplained pneumonia in HK,

1. All customers must wear masks in the centre.

2. All staff/volunteers must wear masks in the centre.

3. There is no visiting time in homing/boarding area.

4. No boarding rabbit’s owners can go into boarding area. Staff/volunteers will help owners to setup the cage when checking in, or help checking out.

*There are masks for charity sales $5@, only for in-situ use. Please find receptionist for purchasing if needed. Thanks for your cooperation.



如果客人需要填領養申請表,為減低兔子感染機會,申請人暫時只可上兔協官方網頁(hkrabbit.org) /instagram (hkrabbit_org) 選擇兔子再填領養申請,恕不可入領養房參觀,直到領養審批合格後安排做義工當日才可接觸揀選的兔子,希望明白,不便之處,敬請原諒。

Please read:
Due to the current outbreak of unexplained pneumonia in HK, human and rabbit also can have cross-infection. To protect all visitors and rabbits, there is no visiting time in homing area recently.

If applicants want to apply rabbit adoption. Please visit our official website (hkrabbit.org) /instagram (hkrabbit_org) for choosing rabbit. Sorry for the inconveniences caused.




Please read:
Due to the current outbreak of unexplained pneumonia in HK, human and rabbit also can have cross-infection. To protect all rabbit owners and rabbits, all owners cannot go into boarding area. Staff/volunteers will help owners to setup the cage when checking in, or help checking out.

Since no owners can go into boarding area, staff/volunteers can take photos to owner to confirm cage setting is correct when checking in, or take photos/fecal samples to owner for ensuring recent gut condition when checking out. Sorry for the inconveniences caused.


為了減低兔子受感染風險,原本居住在本會大堂的待領兔Fan Fan及Radish,現暫居住在本會訓練室內,各位請不用擔心,他們都安好!

In order to reduce the chance that rabbits get new infection, Fan Fan & Radish will keep in our training room now. They are being well, no worry!