CCTV 直擊一位中年男士棄兔過程 / CCTV Record: A Lop Ear Bunny Was Abandoned Outside Our Centre

CCTV 直擊一位中年男士棄兔過程

今日下午大約1時左右, 一名中年男士用一個紙箱裝住一隻垂耳兔棄於兔協所屬的樓層, 更多次將紙箱放於樓層不同的地方, 最後棄於貼近擺放垃圾的地方, 幸好還未有清潔工人來收垃圾, 否則又去了堆填區。

現時兔協棄兔申請是需要排期的, 我們手頭上大約有十多隻棄兔申請正在排期當中, 需排到5月, 此打尖行為對已申請的主人很不公平, 更加有可能對兔兔做成生命危險, 在此懇請打算棄兔的主人為兔兔生命安全著想, 有始有終, 循正途申請棄養。

兔兔現時叫 Watermelon, 垂耳兔, 男仔, 年齡不詳, 已預約獸醫進行身體檢查, 大家如有興趣領養Watermelon, 請將姓名及聯絡電話電郵 提出申請, 給牠一個家。

#2091 Watermelon / 垂耳兔 / 男仔 / 年齡不詳 / 被棄兔協門外
我們亦奉勸各位有意「胡亂棄兔」的人士:根據香港法例421章狂犬症條例第22節規定「動物蓄養人如無合理解釋而棄掉其動物,即屬犯罪,可被判處罰款$10,000 及監禁六個月」。在有需要的時候,我們不排除報警及將相關資料移交警方跟進。


CCTV Record: A Lop Ear Bunny Was Abandoned Outside Our Centre

Around 1PM today, a lop ear bunny was abandoned outside our centre near rubbish collecting area. Luckily we found him before rubbish collection.

Nowadays, we received over 10 application about abandonment, they are all scheduled accordingly for proper abandonment until May 2018 by following our abandon procedure. Please ensure rabbit can be 100% safe even if you really need to abandon him/her, he/she is a life, please choose to abandon him/her in a proper way to protect his/her from danger!

We have already arranged veterinary check up for Watermelon soon. This rabbit information are as the following:

#2091 Watermelon / Lop / Male / Unknown Age / Was Abandoned outside HKRS




Chapter: 421 Title: RABIES ORDINANCE Gazette Number:
Section: 22 Heading: Abandonment of animals Version Date: 30/06/1997

(1) A keeper of any animal who, without reasonable excuse, abandons that animal commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $10000 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
(2) Where an animal is without reasonable excuse abandoned from a conveyance the owner and the operator of the conveyance shall each be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of $5000 and to imprisonment for 3 months.
(3) It is a defence to a charge against the owner of a conveyance under subsection (2) (read with subsection (1)) for the owner to prove that at the time of the abandonment of the animal the conveyance had been taken away without his consent.
(4) It is a defence to a charge against the operator of a conveyance under subsection (2) (read with subsection (1)) for the operator to prove that the abandonment of the animal was due to some cause beyond his control and that he took all reasonable measures to prevent the abandonment of the animal.
(5) In any proceedings for an offence under this section where an animal has been seized and detained under section 7 and no person has within 96 hours after such seizure notified the Director, an authorized officer or a police officer that he is the keeper of the animal, it shall be presumed until the contrary is proved, that the animal was abandoned.

(Enacted 1992)