領養編號: |
2492 |
接收日期: |
10/2/2025 |
兔兔名稱: |
Bamboo |
品種: |
Mixed Dwarf Rabbit 混種侏儒兔 |
顏色: |
Grey Black & White 灰黑白色 |
性別: |
Female 女 |
年齡: |
4 years old 4歲 |
棄養原因: |
Unable to support on medical expenses 無力負擔醫藥費 |
特性: |
Gentle & Friendly 溫文友善 |
申請狀況: |
Pending 申請暫緩 (*申請暫緩 - 暫不接受任何領養申請,暫未知開放領養申請日子,請自行留意本網頁更新。Pending - he/she is not available for adoption recently, application status will be updated anytime when he/she is available for adoption*) |
其他註明: |
*此兔有牙齒問題 This Rabbit Has Teeth Problem |