領養編號: |
2443 |
接收日期: |
18/2/2023 |
兔兔名稱: |
Murray |
品種: |
Lionhead 獅子兔 |
顏色: |
Black & White 黑白色 |
性別: |
Female 女 |
年齡: |
3 years old 3歲 |
棄養原因: |
Cannot get along with owner's pet 未能與家中寵物相處 |
特性: |
Confident & Active 自信活潑 |
申請狀況: |
On Hold 申請審批中 (*申請審批中 - 由於本會已為兔子尋覓到合適申請人,因此暫不再接受其他領養申請。On Hold - he/she is already held by a successful applicant, no other application will be accepted*) |
其他註明: |
*此兔有牙齒問題 This Rabbit Has Teeth Problem |
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