Adoption number: 1712
Arrival date: 5 August 2015
Rabbit name: Scott
Breed: Mixed Angora & lionhead 混種貓貓兔與獅子兔
Color: White & brown 白啡
Gender: Male 男
Age: 3 month-old 3個月
Reason of
Rejected by family member and owner can't take care the rabbit without support 家人反對, 自己無法照顧
Personality: Friendly 友善
Adopted Date: 5 March 2016
Other remarks:

Adoption no.:912
Mic Bo

Adoption no.:850
Kai Tak

Adoption no.:827

Adoption no.:810

Adoption no.:804

Adoption no.:803

Adoption no.:444 & 445
Duc Bo & Sing Bo