Adoption number: 1523
Arrival date: 22/1/2014
Rabbit name: Phyllis
Breed: Lop 賓尼兔
Color: White 白色
Gender: Female 女
Age: 2.5 years old 2.5歲
Reason of
Unable to finance the medical fee. 無能力負擔醫療費
Personality: Friendly & Joyful 友善樂天
Adopted Date: 29/6/2016
Other remarks: Has head tilting problem but is stable now, gum abscess but had surgery already, liver problem. 側頭 (已穩定); 牙瘡(但已做手術);肝問題

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Mic Bo

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Kai Tak

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Adoption no.:810

Adoption no.:804

Adoption no.:803

Adoption no.:444 & 445
Duc Bo & Sing Bo