Adoption number: 1413
Arrival date: 7/4/2013
Rabbit name: Libby
Breed: 貓貓兔 Mixed Angora
Color: 啡 brown
Gender: 女 female
Age: 1歲 1 yr
Reason of
被新主人投訴咬人 (但她於本中心居住時並無此習慣) New owner said she bites people (but she doesn't bite people when living at the Centre)
Personality: 文靜 quite
Adopted Date: 18/1/2013
Other remarks: 第二次被遺棄。 2nd time abandone

Adoption no.:912
Mic Bo

Adoption no.:850
Kai Tak

Adoption no.:827

Adoption no.:810

Adoption no.:804

Adoption no.:803

Adoption no.:444 & 445
Duc Bo & Sing Bo