Adoption number: 1201
Arrival date: 11/6/2011
Rabbit name: Issac
Breed: lop
Color: black & white
Gender: male
Age: 1.5 yrs
Reason of
owner is going to migrate to elsewhere
Personality: active & friendly
Adopted Date: 3/11/2011
Other remarks: Both of the abandoned rabbits (together with #1120) got heat stroke when arrived HKRS on the date of abandonment. Issac was luckily saved after 3 days in hospital, but the other one was dead on the way to the clinic.

Adoption no.:912
Mic Bo

Adoption no.:850
Kai Tak

Adoption no.:827

Adoption no.:810

Adoption no.:804

Adoption no.:803

Adoption no.:444 & 445
Duc Bo & Sing Bo